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3-Hr Managing Communicable Diseases (Re-certification Training)
Critical Course Guidelines (6:04)
Directions & Introduction
Course Directions (2:28)
ODJFS Communicable Disease Curriculum for Child Care Providers (Student Handbook)
Resource Sheet
Introduction Lecture 1 (6:24)
Introduction Lecture 2 (1:14)
Unit 1: How Disease is Spread
Unit 1: How Disease is Spread - Lecture 1 (4:29)
Video: CDC-TV "Fight Germs: Wash Your Hands" (3:00)
Unit 1: How Disease is Spread- Lecture 2 (4:32)
Unit 2: Prevention & Control
ODJFS Form 08087 (ODH Communicable Disease Wall Chart) Rev: 12/2016
OAC Rule: 5101:2-12-15 Child Record Requirements for a Licensed Child Care
Unit 2: Prevention & Control - Lecture 1 (2:56)
OAC Rule: 5101:2-12-13 Appendix B (Handwashing) Rev 12/2016
OAC Rule: 5101:2-12-16 (Emergency and health-related plans for a licensed child care center) Rev 12/2016
OAC Rule: 5101:2-12-23 (Infant care and diaper care for a licensed child care center) Rev 12/2016
Unit 2: Prevention & Control - Lecture 2 (9:31)
Video: Diapering (6:02)
Unit 2: Prevention & Control - Lecture 3 (4:44)
Unit 2: Prevention & Control - Lecture 4 (2:45)
Unit 3: Management of the Ill Child
Unit 3: Management of the Ill Child - Lecture 1 (8:58)
OAC Rule: 5101:2-12-03 Appendix A: (Serious Risk Non-Compliance and Point Values for child care centers) Rev 12/2016
ODJFS Form 01201 (Dental First Aid) Rev: 12/2016
ODJFS Form 01242 (Medical, Dental and General Emergency Plan for Child Care) Rev: 12/2016
ODJFS Form 01299 (Incident/Injury Report for Child Care) Rev: 12/2016
Unit 3: Management of the Ill Child - Lecture 2 (3:53)
Unit 3: Management of the Ill Child - Lecture 3 (5:43)
ODJFS Form 08087 (ODH Communicable Disease Wall Chart) Rev: 12/2016
OAC Rule: 5101:2-12-08 Appendix A Medical Statement Requirements for Administrator, Employees, and Child Care Staff Members in a Licensed Child Care
ODJFS Form 01234 (Child Enrollment and Helath Information for Child Care) Rev: 10/2021
Unit 4: Health Policies
OAC Rule: 5101:2-12-25 (Medication administration, food supplements and medical foods for a licensed child care center) Rev 12/2016
ODJFS Form 01217 (Request for Administration of Medication for Child Care) Rev: 10/2021
ODJFS Form 01305 (Child Medical Statement for Child Care) Rev: 10/2021
ODJFS Form 01236 (Child Medical/Physical Care Plan for Child Care) Rev: 10/2021
Unit 4: Health Policies - Lecture 1 (6:31)
Unit 4: Health Policies - Lecture 2 (9:01)
ODJFS Form 01299 (Incident/Injury Report for Child Care) Rev: 12/2016
Final Exam
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Final Exam 20 Questions
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ODJFS Communicable Disease Curriculum for Child Care Providers (Student Handbook)
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